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January 17 2019

NCCDH Health Equity Clicks: Community revitalization / Nouveau visage de Cliquez pour l’équité en santé : communauté

PHESC partner National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health has relaunched their Health Equity Clicks: Community, which will be used in some of their PHESC offerings. 

The community now features functionalities that will allow you to more easily monitor and participate in active discussions, network with each other and share resources.

With the revitalization, the community will become a more active space for robust conversations on research and practice related to social determinants of health and health equity. 

Nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer le lancement du nouveau visage de Cliquez pour l’équité en santé : communauté, de notre partenaire CCNDS.

La communauté offre maintenant des fonctionnalités qui vous permettront plus facilement de suivre les discussions en cours et d’y participer, de réseauter avec d’autres et d’échanger des ressources.

La revitalisation fait en sorte que la communauté facilitera les conversations de fond sur les recherches et les pratiques liées aux déterminants sociaux de la santé et à l’équité en santé.

Health Equity Impact Assessment (HEIA)

If you join the Health Equity Impact Assessment Community of Interest, you'll be alerted about an upcoming webinar with PHESC partner The Wellesley Institute. 

See our December 7 newsletter for a wide range of HEIA offerings from PHESC partners.

Indigenous Health Equity Courses Updated

Last week we detailed the PHESC Indigenous Health Equity program. One of the key components external to PHESC, Cancer Care Ontario's Aboriginal Relationship and Cultural Competency courses, was updated late in December.

Enjoy the updated versions!

Webinar: Supporting Health Equity Through Healthy Built Environments

Host: National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health
Date: 30 January 2019
Time: 2:00pm  - 3:00pm EST

This webinar will focus on how health equity can be supported through the built environment and how community planning and design can incorporate factors to address health inequities. Several resources will be highlighted, including the BCCDC FACT SHEET: Supporting Health Equity Through the Built Environment, which offers evidence-informed principals to support health equity through interventions in the built environment.

It is designed to be a companion to the Healthy Built Environment Linkages Toolkit (see November forum presentation) and provides concrete actions that local governments can take to build healthier, more equitable communities. Health equity and the built environment: a curated reading list and several blogs from NCCDH will contribute additional resources and practice scenarios.

The presentation and online discussion will also include examples to illustrate how health equity has been supported by public health efforts to create healthier built environments, as well as links to other pertinent documents and resources.

Information and registration

Strengthening Public Health Across Canada: The Influence of the National Collaborating Centres

The National Collaborating Centres for Public Health have launched a collection of documents, Strengthening Public Health Across Canada: the Influence of the NCCs, to explain the role of the NCCs in addressing public health needs of Canadians nationally, regionally, and locally. These documents describe the role of each of the six NCCs in Canada's public health infrastructure as well as case stories that may help public health professionals save time, make the most of existing resources, and reduce duplication. 

Read more about the influence of the National Collaborating Centres on public health in Canada.