March 19 2020
New Online Course: Introduction to Public Health Surveillance
This course aims to advance your knowledge and ability to participate in the public health surveillance cycle and to use public health surveillance systems to move data from information to action in the workplace. It includes an outline of the basic principles of surveillance and skills needed, as well as strategies used to communicate data effectively.
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NCCDH Health Equity On-Demand Webinar Series in English and French
The National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health now has their full on-demand webinar series available in both English and French. The series will help you better understand the requirements of the Ontario Public Health Standards through a health equity lens.
Full series duration: Six ~30-minute modules (approximately 3.5 hours to complete in full)
Format: On-demand, meaning that these webinars are pre-recorded and can be viewed at any time.
- On-Demand Webinar 1: Introduction to Health Equity (38:03)
- On-Demand Webinar 2: Assessing and reporting on health inequities (37:59)
- On-Demand Webinar 3: Approaches to developing equitable public health interventions and strategies (29:33)
- On-Demand Webinar 4: Moving upstream: Working across sectors to decrease health inequities (28:02)
- On-Demand Webinar 5: Policy development and advocacy to improve health equity (33:36)
- On-Demand Webinar 6: Racial Health Equity: Embracing a decolonial, anti-racist practice (38:08)
Information and registration
Cette série de webinaires sur demande est offerte par le Centre de collaboration nationale des déterminants de la santé. Elle vise à vous aider à mieux comprendre les exigences énoncées dans les Normes de santé publique de l’Ontario en tenant compte de la perspective de l’équité en santé.
Durée totale de la série : six modules de trente minutes (environ trois heures et demi de visionnement au total).
Format : Sur demande veut dire que les webinaires sont préenregistrés et peuvent être visionnés en tout temps. En vous inscrivant, vous pourrez avoir accès au contenu dès la mise en ligne.
- Webinaire sur demande 1 : Introduction à l’équité en santé (47:20)
- Webinaire sur demande 2 : Évaluation des iniquités de santé et production de rapports sur les résultats (45:10)
- Webinaire sur demande 3 : Interventions et stratégies équitables à employer en santé publique pour faire participer les populations (33:07)
- Webinaire sur demande 4 : Interventions en amont : travailler en concertation avec de multiples secteurs pour atténuer les iniquités de santé (36:19)
- Webinaire sur demande 5 : Élaboration de politiques et échange des connaissances pour diminuer les iniquités de santé (37:43)
- Webinaire sur demande 6 : Équité raciale en santé : véhiculer des pratiques décolonisatrices et dépourvues de racisme (45:35)
New Reflective Webinar: The Immunization Program Schedule - Description and Rationale
Another in our series of recorded reflective webinars. Dr. Natasha Crowcroft of the Centre for Vaccine-Preventable Diseases talks about and gives the rationale for the current immunization program schedule, including vaccination in pregnancy. This will be very useful background for talking about current (and possible future) vaccines.
Register for this reflective webinar
See the list of all reflective webinars
Beyond PHESC: Other Resources and Professional Development Opportunities
COVID-19 and Vulnerable Populations
Equity issues for many populations have become more visible as a result of the pandemic. Here are a few articles:
- NCCDH: Stigma, discrimination, health impacts and COVID-19
- Globe and Mail: In an era of isolation, it’s essential we maintain social connections with our most vulnerable
- APTN: ‘We just can’t afford to let the virus enter’: feds acknowledge need to protect Indigenous communities but details remain sparse
- Toronto Star: We need to urgently consider equity in our coronavirus response
- Citylab: The ‘Chinese Flu’ Is Part of a Long History of Racializing Disease
- Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives: COVID-19 and the Canadian workforce: Reforming EI to protect more workers