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September 12 2019

What is PHESC?

Welcome to our new subscribers!

PHESC is a collaborative of eight organizations working to create coherent continuing education learning pathways for Ontario public health staff. Our entire approach is grounded in health equity, and at least for the duration of our two-year grant, all training offerings are free.

Check out our learning pathways:

  1. Population Health Assessment
  2. Health Equity
  3. Effective Public Health Practice

Visit our partner organizations:

Wondering what we can do for you?

View our website or drop us an email -- we'd love to hear from you.

Working Together to Build Health Equity

Identifying collaborative opportunities for health equity capacity building is one of the sub-topics in our health equity learning pathway

First Steps

Training Opportunities

Further Reading


Exploring Further

NCCDH Webinar: Informing public health programs through engagement with communities that live with health inequities

PHESC's podcast series on community engagement is now in production! We're happy to see and promote this complementary webinar by the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health.

September 19, 2019 | 1:00–2:30 p.m. (EDT)
This event will take place in English.

Community engagement is an important step towards understanding the unique circumstances facing populations living with inequities. This is especially true when considering these communities’ opportunities and barriers to achieving health. Having authentic and ongoing relationships with communities that experience marginalization – beyond one-time engagement events or client satisfaction – requires eliminating processes and practices that make decisions for those communities without their direct and meaningful involvement.

More information and registration